randRange(1,2) randRange(1,4) randRange(1,4) randRange(1,100) 3*p*(a-b) -12*a*b*p 2*(a-b) -4*a*b q===0?"":(q>0?"+"+q+"x^2":"-"+(-q)+"x^2") p===1?"x^3":p+"x^3" cutermf+qutermf+"-"+(-r)+"x+"+s q===0?"":(q>0?"+"+(2*q)+"x":"-"+(-2*q)+"x") (3*p)+"x^2"+qutermfpr+"-"+(-r) q===0?"":(q>0?"+"+(twoqover3p)+"x":"-"+(-twoqover3p)+"x") "x^2"+qutermfprover3p+"-"+(-rover3p) 3*p+"("+alltermsfprover3p+")" 2*b -2*a min(p*xmin*xmin*xmin+q*xmin*xmin+r*xmin+s,p*(-10)*(-10)*(-10)+q*(-10)*(-10)+r*(-10)+s) max(p*xmax*xmax*xmax+q*xmax*xmax+r*xmax+s,p*10*10*10+q*10*10+r*10+s) 1000*floor((ymin-20)/1000) 1000*ceil((ymax+20)/1000) [ -10, 10 ] [ flooredymin, ceiledymax ]
This is an interval of decrease problem.
Find the largest (bounded) open interval of decrease for
If there are none, or if every maximal interval of decrease is unbounded,
        then enter 0 and 0 into the Answer boxes.

xmax < x < xmin

Differentiating, we obtain:
Factor f'(x), if possible.

The factorization is given by f'(x)=3*p(x+2*a)(x-2*b).

Using this factorization,
      figure out where the derivative f'(x) is positive and negative.
Notice that f'(x) is positive when x is a large positive number.
Work along the number line from right to left.

The derivative f'(x) is        positive on xmin < x,
                                             negative on xmax < x < xmin and
                                             positive on x < xmax.

Then the function f(x) is    increasing on xmin < x,
                                             decreasing on xmax < x < xmin and
                                             increasing on x < xmax.

Now enter xmax and xmin into the Answer boxes, to indicate that xmax < x < xmin is the largest (bounded) open interval of decrease.

NOTE: The next two hints show: the graph of f, followed by the graph of f'.
Note that the graph of f runs downhill between x = xmax and x = xmin.
Note that the graph of f' is below the x-axis between x = xmax and x = xmin.

initAutoscaledGraph( [ xrange , yrange ], {} ); style({ stroke: "#6495ED", strokeWidth: 3 }, function() { plot( function( x ) { return p*x*x*x+q*x*x+r*x+s; }, [-10,10] ); });

initAutoscaledGraph( [ [ -10, 10] , [ -500, 500] ], {} ); style({ stroke: "#6495ED", strokeWidth: 3 }, function() { plot( function( x ) { return 3*p*x*x+2*q*x+r; }, [-10,10] ); });