0 10 randRangeNonZero(1,3) randRangeNonZero(4,6) randRangeNonZero(1,9)

Graph the interval |x-center| < radius/10.

Show the interval by dragging the two (white-filled) orange dots
       to the endpoints of the interval.

init({ range: [[LOWER_BOUND - 1, UPPER_BOUND + 1], [-1, 1]] }); line([LOWER_BOUND, 0], [UPPER_BOUND, 0]); for (var x = LOWER_BOUND; x <= UPPER_BOUND; x++) { line([x, -0.2], [x, 0.2]); } for (var J = LOWER_BOUND; J <= UPPER_BOUND; J++) { label([J, -0.53], ((J - centerposition)/10) + center, "center", { color: "#6495ED" });} addMouseLayer(); graph.movablePoint = addMovablePoint({ constraints: { constrainY: true } , normalStyle: { fill: "#FFFFFF", stroke: KhanUtil.ORANGE }, highlightStyle: { fill: "#FFFFFF", stroke: KhanUtil.ORANGE }, }); graph.movablePoint.onMove = function( x, y ) { graph.movableLineSegment.coordA = graph.movablePoint.coord; graph.movableLineSegment.transform(); var newx = round(x); if (abs(newx - x) < 0.25) { x = newx; } return [min(max(LOWER_BOUND, x), UPPER_BOUND), y]; }; graph.movablePoint2 = addMovablePoint({ coord: [UPPER_BOUND,0] , constraints: { constrainY: true } , normalStyle: { fill: "#FFFFFF", stroke: KhanUtil.ORANGE }, highlightStyle: { fill: "#FFFFFF", stroke: KhanUtil.ORANGE }, }); graph.movablePoint2.onMove = function( x, y ) { graph.movableLineSegment.coordZ = graph.movablePoint2.coord; graph.movableLineSegment.transform(); var newx = round(x); if (abs(newx - x) < 0.25) { x = newx; } return [min(max(LOWER_BOUND, x), UPPER_BOUND), y]; }; graph.movableLineSegment = addMovableLineSegment({ normalStyle: { stroke: ORANGE, "stroke-width": 5 }, coordA:graph.movablePoint.coord, coordZ:graph.movablePoint2.coord, fixed:true }); graph.movablePoint.visibleShape.toFront(); graph.movablePoint2.visibleShape.toFront();
Move the orange dots to select your answer.
return (abs(centerposition - radius - min(guess[0],guess[1])) < 0.001) && (abs(centerposition + radius - max(guess[0],guess[1])) < 0.001);

|x-center| is the distance from x to center.

So we need to graph all numbers x such that
       the distance from x to center
is less than radius/10.

This would be the open interval centered at center with radius radius/10.

In other words, the open interval from center - radius/10 to center + radius/10.

In other words, the open interval from center - (radius/10) to center + (radius/10).

graph.movablePoint.moveTo(LOWER_BOUND, 0); graph.movablePoint2.moveTo(UPPER_BOUND, 0);
style({ stroke: "#6495ED", fill: "#6495ED", strokeWidth: 2.5, arrows: "->" }); line([LOWER_BOUND, 0], [centerposition - radius, 0]); graph.movablePoint.visibleShape.toFront();
style({ stroke: "#6495ED", fill: "#6495ED", strokeWidth: 2.5, arrows: "->" }); line([UPPER_BOUND, 0], [centerposition + radius, 0]); graph.movablePoint2.visibleShape.toFront();

Now follow the blue arrows above. That is, drag
         the left (white-filled) orange dot over to center - (radius/10)
and drag
         the right (white-filled) orange dot over to center + (radius/10).
I can drag the dots for you -- just ask for the next hint.

graph.movablePoint.moveTo(centerposition - radius, 0); graph.movablePoint2.moveTo(centerposition + radius, 0);

I've dragged the dots into their proper position.
Now click on "Check Answer" or "Try Again".